We are the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria (CCI)

We are the largest CCI in Germany: With more than 400,000 member companies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria is the largest of the 79 Chambers of Commerce and Industry nationwide. Moreover, the Munich CCI is one of the most extensive business networks in Europe.

Providing success for all companies in our region: Our primary goal is to create the best framework conditions for the sustainable economic success of commercial enterprises in Munich and Upper Bavaria.

We are the first point of contact for legislators and administrative bodies: By maintaining a close exchange with decision-makers in politics and administration, we ensure that the concerns of our member companies are heard.

Self-governance of the business community: The CCI for Munich and Upper Bavaria is an organization under public law – an institution from within the business community in the region for the business community in the region.

Parliament of the business community: The CCI plenary meeting is the parliament of the business community. Its members elected by the CCI’s member companies determine the guidelines of the CCI’s work.

One company - one vote: We have democratic legitimacy: The members of the plenary meeting are elected every five years. Each member company – however big or small – can cast exactly one vote.

We welcome participation: Every entrepreneur who is a member of the CCI may nominate a candidate for the plenary meeting and regional committees – or stand for election him- or herself.

We provide a platform for important voluntary commitment: More than 12,000 entrepreneurs are actively involved in the plenary meeting, regional or specialist committees or in vocational training and continuing education. Voluntary work is one of our main pillars.

History of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria (CCI)

King Ludwig I of Bavaria signed a royal decree “regarding the establishment of Chambers of Commerce,” thus providing the legal basis for the creation of the Bavarian Chambers of Commerce.